Guerra imperialista

Statement of the World Peace Council on the missile attack of the USA against Syrian targets

Foto: © REUTERS/ Ford Williams/Courtesy U.S. Navy

The World Peace Council denounces and condemns the recent missile attacks of the USA against Syrian targets on 6th April,as an act of further escalation of the imperialist intervention in Syria and the region, based on the alleged use of chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhoun town near Idleb by the Syrian army, a crime with suspicious motives.

The US bombing of Syria constitutes not only the violation of the principles of the UN Charter but is also the continuation of the US policies of the previous US administrations, now by the Trump administration. After having created, trained and financed the armed mercenary groups of “ISIS” and others, the USA, NATO and the EU along with its allies in the region, are providing support to armed terrorist groups, through attacks on the Syrian army, not for the first time. Behind these attacks are the plans for the establishment of a “Greater Middle East” with the controll of energy resources and pipelines and with willing regimes and new borders. The WPC expresses its solidarity with the Syrian people and the peoples of the region for their rights to determine freely and without any foreign interference their fortunes. We denounce also the hyprocrisy and double moral of the imperialists, who support and/or carry out attacks on  peoples and nations, driving hundreds of thousands to become refugees, and at the same time “shed tears” about the displaced people who run away for their lives.

The WPC calls upon its members and friends to condemn the imperialist interventions and plans in the region and to express their solidarity with the peoples in need.

The Secretariat of WPC  7th April 2017
