Moção aprovada pelo Encontro Nacional

Solidarity with the peoples of Latin America and the other peoples who resist

PCdoB: Uma força internacionalista

The National Conference “Strengthening the PCdoB in municipal elections in 2016” brought together hundreds of communist leaders in Brasilia on 11, 12 and 13 March. Despite facing specific agenda to organize the participation of the communists in the electoral battle, the PCdoB prepared and approved an important motion on the international situation, we present to our readers, as follows:

Solidarity with the peoples of Latin America and the other peoples who resist

In a global context marked by the escalation of predatory wars and aggression against the sovereignty of nations, Latin America suffers strong attack from conservative forces, with the aim of destabilizing governments from the popular and democratic wings, especially in Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela and Bolivia.

We reaffirm our support for the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, under strong attack; to the president Evo Morales of Bolivia, President Rafael Correa of Ecuador, and the Argentine people, who suffer the negative consequences of the electoral victory of the neoliberal right.  This wave wasted no time in undermining democracy and social rights, as evidenced by, among other things, the absurd and illegal imprisonment of the popular leader Milagro Sala, the Mercosur parliament member.

The detention room in Argentina and the murder of Berta Caceres peasant leader in Honduras clearly show the level of the current right of the putsch in our region.

The scammer invested underway in Brazil, packed by a virulent speech, violates basic principles of democracy.

We express our strong support to the Cuban people, whose unshakable bravery defeated the US policy, being particularly auspicious the resumption of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States. However, the illegal trade, economic and financial blockade remains promoted by imperialism and the unacceptable continuation of the military occupation of the base of Guantanamo.

We express our trust in so-called “Havana dialogues” between the Colombian government and insurgent forces. The successful conclusion of a peace agreement between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP) will be fundamental for peace in our region.

Around the world, capitalism in crisis increases the virulence warmongering, plunging entire peoples into bloodbaths.

The Communists express their solidarity with the Syrian people and to the Arab Republic of Syria, attacked by mercenaries and religious fanatics in the payroll of NATO.

The Palestinian people martyred currently requires our militant solidarity. Palestinians continue expelled from their homes, unable to build their nation, when protesting they are harshly repressed, most often arrested, and killed. We demand UN resolutions fulfilled and we call upon the recognition of the Palestinian State as a full member of the UN. Besides that, it urges that the governments of UN member countries recognize the State of Palestine.

We support the struggle for national independence and the right to its territory of the people of the Sahrawi Arab Republic and call for the complete decolonization of the world, for the independence of Puerto Rico and the return of the Malvinas Islands to the fraternal people of Argentina.

PCdoB expresses its support to the Ukrainian people before the coup of February 2014, afforded by imperialism. Now neo-Nazi forces are empowered and try to illegalize the Communist Party of Ukraine that is fighting and resisting in a heroic way.

We demand the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, denouncing the hypocrisy of the hegemonic media device that, while condemning the nuclear test of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, is silent on the existence of US nuclear weapons in South Korea and Israel.

PCdoB militants, engaged in fundamental election battle this year, never forget their mission as an internationalist force.

In defense of democracy and workers, continental coup wave will be defeated!

All solidarity with the peoples in struggle!

For world peace, long live proletarian internationalism!

Brasilia, March 13th, 2016.


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